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Make it taste good and feel better

big sis has a background in developing coffee programs at various chicago coffee shops and consulting on flavor and product composition with start up beverage companies. big sis beverage directing includes creating unique, delicious, high-quality fixed and seasonal beverages. our expertise extends from coffee, espresso, teas, and matcha to smoothies, non-caffeinated options, cocktails and mocktails.

big sis specializes in natural sugars such as honey, maple syrup, coconut nectar, agave and monk fruit. we stay up-to-date with food trends, flavor profiles and experimental techniques. let us help you create a one-of-a-kind beverage or two for your menu, event or consumer packaged good.

<— cinnamon toast crunch-infused oat milk paired with cold brew

spicy mocha featuring ancho chili & spice-infused abuelita’s chocolate sauce with espresso, cantera negra agave coffee liqueur, and tequila —>